Ocean Rescue: Plastics and Pollution

Wherever we live, whether in a large city or close to a sandy beach, we all depend on the oceans. From the frozen ice caps of the polar regions to the warm waters of the tropical coral reefs, from deep sea vents to shallow seagrass beds, the oceans contain the greatest diversity of life on Earth.

Globally, over 700 million people depend on fishing for their livelihoods on our planet, and fish and seafood are the main source of protein for more than a billion of us. But the oceans provide far more than food. They give us oxygen to breathe and, through their role in the water cycle, water to drink. The oceans also absorb greenhouse gas emissions and additional heat.

Yet our seas are under threat. If we carry on as we do now, fish and seafood could be overfished, habitats such as coral reefs will suffer, as will the marine life that depends on them, and there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.
The WWF has put together an amazing resource for teachers, an ‘Oceans and Plastics’ activity set for KS2, which gives the framework for a fascinating cross-curricular topic which explores the role of the oceans in our lives and why healthy oceans are so vital to our future.

Find it here – https://wwfschoolsscheme.education.co.uk

This book list is intended to be used alongside this project, to help KS2 children learn more about our amazing oceans and consider what steps we can all take to safeguard these precious waters for generations to come.

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