Alan Recommends….books with cats August 5, 2020 – Posted in: Book News

If you have visited our shop recently, you may have been lucky enough to meet our newest staff member, Alan. He is a black and white cat with vivid green eyes. Sometimes he comes downstairs to have a look around and see who is in the shop, wanders to the door to have a look at the weather, check how busy Cliffe High Street is, and sometimes he just lies in a pool of sunlight. That’s what you think he does. I have evidence that he has a secret plan to fill our shop with books about cats, and that when we are not looking he orders them from the wholesaler, in ones and twos, hoping we won’t notice….Well I NOTICED ALAN!

My evidence:

Six Dinner Sid is always in stock… is that a hint Alan? are we feeding you enough?

Other books I have noticed are conspicuous when I look around the shop :

Varjak Paw and  The Outlaw Varjak Paw

Varjak Paw book

Picture books -Bad Cat by Nicola O’Byrne – It’s hilarious by the way (I’m not saying he doesn’t make good choices…)

There are books with cat/dog combinations like Jasper and Scruff and Early Reader book by Nicola Colton

There are books about Ninja Cats, helpful cats, greedy cats, mean cats….Oi Cat! by Kes Gray, Keith The Cat with the Magic Hat by Sue Hendra (possibly a friend of Alan’s…) and it’s not just in the fiction section…. there are plenty of books about cats in our Non-Fiction too, lately I spotted

 A Cat’s Guide to the Night Sky  among others.

There are so many books with cats, about cats, by cats…. and more arriving daily it seems -you really need to come check them out for yourself…

or look at our Facebook page and keep an eye on our Instagram– I have a feeling he’s not done yet…

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